First SLOG

> This is going to be my first online course log.
> I'd like to begin with the reason why I took CSC104. Computing has been one of my interests since the first time I read about the story of Steve Jobs and his legendary business. I tried to read some of the IOS developer's books for creating an app of my own. Obviously, they were too hard for me. However, I think CSC104 gives me a chance to enter the gate of computing and that's why I chose this course. I hope to understand what computational thinking is at the end of this semester.
>In my imagination, programming is a difficult, boring and takes lots of effort. After taking this course, I found it is not that difficult and  boring. Yet it's still an effort-taking work.
>The most interesting part in this course is Dr.Racket. It is really a good software that I can easily understand what I'm doing. It simplifies the way how computer works and teaches my how it think as well. It offers me a wide range of opportunities to learn what I can get after texting a certain commands.
>This course is easier than I thought if I was doing well in memorizing the "step". Sometimes I can get the output easily and fast but I may forget some parts of the step.
>The quizzes are easy if you follow tips from those weekly practices. I'm quite satisfied with my performance so far. Even though I should work harder on understanding the practice questions.
>I'm really curious about what role Computer Science plays in a software or a game and how it works  when users are interacting with it. I hope I can figure it out in the farther studying.


  1. Hi Shiyuan,
    my name is Landy I'm one of the TA's for CSC104.
    Great blog post, try to use paragraph form instead of bullet points when writing your slog post. Treat it like a small report. I'm glad you're enjoying the course so far, is there anything specific about Dr. Racket that you like, for example the interactive pane or the stepper?
    Other than that, great report.

    Also it would be helpful to have the links on the page in English, it's a bit hard for me to navigate around your blog.




The 2nd SLOG

The 3rd SLOG